Manager training workshops: equip your managers to support wellbeing, resilience and ultimately, create more Good Days at Work in their teams.
Wellbeing and Mental Health Manager Training
As leading providers of Wellbeing and Mental Health Manager Training, we know that the behaviours your managers exhibit can make or break the health, wellbeing and performance levels of their teams. Employees need a balance of challenge and support from their managers and workplaces to feel and do their best.
Our Wellbeing and Mental Health Manager Training programmes recognise the critical role of line managers. We start with their own health and wellbeing to ensure they have the energy and resilience to take on the role. The focus then turns to how to nurture strong employee engagement and wellbeing, equipping managers with the vital skills, confidence and tools to enable their teams to thrive and perform at their best.
Get in touch today or explore our Manager Training programmes below.
The role of the manager
Grasp the landscape for good mental health and wellbeing, and learn how they influence it to create more Good Days at Work.
Understand how to be resilient themselves and create resilience in their team.
Get their team talking with positive wellbeing conversations.
Gain insight into their own style and use it to manage how it impacts the wellbeing of their team.
Pressure & Performance
Pressure can be motivating and positive but can also tip over into stress. Managers play a key role in managing workplace pressures across their teams. As well as gaining insight into their own pressures in the session, managers will learn to create positive pressure levels across their teams in a proactive and holistic way.
Pressure is intrinsically linked to performance, and this programme demonstrates the sweet spot where people have enough pressure to keep them motivated, but enough support to manage that pressure.
Understanding Impact
The relationship with our leaders and managers is one of the most important we have at work. This programme is designed to give your leaders and managers a deep insight into how their own natural style affects the mental health and wellbeing of their team, positively and negatively.
The session is based around our validated Leadership Impact report, which psychometrically assesses the managers and determines a leadership style, but importantly, explains how this natural style plays out when it comes to the resilience and wellbeing of their teams.
Wellbeing Conversations
Our research shows people are twice as happy at work if they can have good wellbeing conversations. Managers set the tone in their teams, making this a core competency for ‘well workplaces’.
This programme is designed to give your managers the confidence and skills to create a supportive team environment where wellbeing conversations are the norm, so any issues are discussed early and there are regular ‘temperature checks’ by the manager with the team. The workshop supports managers in being able to set good boundaries around mental health and wellbeing conversations, addresses their fears in opening the conversations and gives them a toolkit of tips and techniques to be able to build their confidence in having good conversations about wellbeing.
Team Resilience
Creating a resilient team requires more than having good levels of individual resilience. This programme provides your managers with practical learning and insights into how they can develop resilience across their teams and foster a climate of psychological safety, helping teams to come together to cope with unexpected events, work pressures and changes.
The workshop takes our research-lead model of ‘Team Resilience’ and highlights four key pillars that managers can use to ensure their team is set up for a healthy bounce-back.
Wellbeing Essentials for Managers
If you are thinking that you would like your managers to cover all the key areas in one go, then this programme is designed for you. The Wellbeing Essentials for Managers workshop is the full overview of all the key areas, but in not so much depth. It’s still a great way to get going!
Designed to get all your managers united with the same message, the session outlines the wellbeing landscape and shapes the role of a manager when it comes to wellbeing in their teams.
Our personal reports for managers
Crucial to our approach is our ability to take a big topic and make it personal for every manager.
Our Leadership Impact report offers your managers the opportunity to understand how their natural style impacts the resilience and wellbeing of their team.
The psychometric assessment generates a report which outlines a dominant style, and their propensity to either push people to burnout or rust-out. ‘Challenge-lead’ managers are more likely to pile on high pressure, without enacting sufficient support and thereby the risk for their team is burnout, while ‘Support-Lead’ managers are more likely to not provide enough challenge, and their team is at more of a risk of rust-out. Both are equally damaging for performance (and resilience!).
Our Wellbeing Snapshot report offers your managers the opportunity to understand their current levels of wellbeing and resilience and, importantly, get a full view of the sources of pressure beyond workload. It’s about providing your managers with tangible levers they can pull to manage and improve employee experience – and create more Good Days at Work!
The report literally provides a ‘snapshot’ of employees’ current mental health and wellbeing status. It offers tips and actions for managers to improve, and provides:
- A deep-dive that uncovers the real blockers and enablers of health, wellbeing and resilience
- A call to action and the starting point for improvement around individual resilience and wellbeing
- A simple and objective way in which to measure progress
- The basis of regular wellbeing conversations between managers and their team members
Wellbeing Training for Managers
In our Wellbeing Training for Managers sessions, we work with your managers to understand how the pressure-performance ‘dial’ gets tipped into the burnout or rust-out zone and equip them to keep their team in the sweet spot of performance for as long as possible. Do you want your managers to be able to understand the full scope of the sources of workplace pressures and how they as managers influence those? Be mindful of their role and the impact they have on pressure in the team? Set the team up for resilience so if setbacks happen, they can bounce back faster and healthier?
Enquire today or explore our Wellbeing Training for Managers programmes.
Get in touch with us
THE OPEN UNIVERSITY“I need to remember to question if I am looking after myself too. As a line manager I tend to forget about me and just focus on looking out for my team. The course reminded me that we all need to be energised before we do anything - and actually I will be better able to support my team if I am more energised and resilient myself.”